Spring was very full this year, including trips to SE Oregon and Ocean Shores, WA (See http://goo.gl/tL2Yo & http://goo.gl/JmQb7). Somehow, I seemed to have missed most of the migrants passing through, but I did find myself surrounded by many of the resident newcomers into the world. Everything from the chickadees in our nest box outside my office window (who fledged six chicks) to yellow warblers tending a nest in the bushes at my in-law's property in Eastern Washington. Due to family matters, I have spent many days on their property cataloguing much of the spring activity there. This will likely continue through the summer and will give me the chance to look in on more nesting going on, including Eastern and Western kingbirds.
Of course, even with all of the fantastic opportunities to observe the spring ritual, it didn't stop me from pining for better skill and equipment to capture what I saw. I guess it is just natural.
This album includes highlights from spring not included in the albums I already posted above from Malhuer and Ocean Shores.